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A powerful formulation that combines detergents, alkali salts, and butyl to
strip even the toughest build-ups. This product is effective in both hard or
soft water and is designed for use with floor machines.


Available in Gallons and 5 Gallon Pails

Light Build-Up 8 oz. per gallon of warm water
Moderate Build-Up 32 oz. per gallon of warm water
Heavy Build-Up 64 oz. per gallon of warm water
NOTE: Dilution may vary based on build-up of old finish on floor surface.
Product designed for use with warm water.


1. Dilute product per the chart above based on amount of build-up.
2. Apply to a small test area to determine amount of time needed to
adequately strip floor.
3. Mop diluted solution liberally onto floor surface working in 5' x 5'
4. Allow to stand 4-5 minutes. Keep area wet.
5. If surface is unusually dirty or scuffed, use mop, brush or floor
machine to agitate and loosen dirt and finish; for stubborn marks
scrub using a stripping pad.
6. Pick up solution with a mop or wet-vac machine. Rinse with clear
7. Allow floor to dry.
8. Apply first coat of finish or floor sealer in full uniform coat. Apply
additional coats of floor finish as required.
CAUTION: Never allow product to dry on floor. Always test solution on
an inconspicuous area of floor to be stripped to check compatibility.


Emulsified floor finish and wax are very slippery; keep area clear untilfloor surface is completely dry.

Nuke Non-Ammoniated Floor Stripper

SKU: FC318-4

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